Monday, March 10, 2008


I first heard this term about 5 years ago living in New Jersey. An aerobics instructor was explaining to me a situation in her life where she had to make a decision, and in her explanation she said "K.I.S" right?! I looked at her with a wrinkled brow. She said, "Keep it simple". Recently, I learned that you can include that last "S", and change this catchy phrase to "keep it simple stupid".
This is a complicated world we live in and its the human population that complicates it. But it doesn't have to be this way. We can learn to keep things simple simply by not over-thinking. Right before I took position to lift 260 lbs. off the ground in a farmers deadlift, I wasn't thinking about how I was going to do it all I knew was that I had to do it. When I was finished, I had completed 30 reps. Don't think, just do! Some of you may be over-thinking this right now as you're reading this. I know life can be difficult at times, but keep in mind that Jesus did not die for you and me that we might be miserable. He died to deliver us from every kind of oppression and misery. If you're suffering or frustrated right now believe that God can help. In believing this, we will have joy; and where there is joy, there will also be enjoyment. God's will for us is that we might have and enjoy life. So whether you're lifting heavy weights or struggling with an important decision in your life, remember "K.I.S", let go and let God.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

very, very, true. If we all were a little simpler, we all would be sipmply happier.